Vandaag gaan we praten over Cryptovaluta verdienen door vrijwilligerswerk uit te voeren. It will not immediately make you rich, but NodeNieuws does not know a better way to promote citizen participation and support the local economy. Time to do something for your environment? The Municipality of Heerlen offers various jobs, for which residents receive digital coins. These jobs can range from a simple bench or a facade painting, to mowing the lawn, collecting garbage in the park and other relatively simple activities. Two birds with one stone; the inhabitants are rewarded for their work and through their participation, the city also becomes cleaner and more livable. In addition, the sense of togetherness is further enhanced, which has a positive effect on the integration of all residents. Heerlen is also the first municipality in Europe,
Hoe werkt Cryptovaluta precies?
Laten we het hebben over Cryptovaluta. Een Cryptovaluta is een digitale valuta die kan worden gebruikt om goederen en diensten te kopen. Cryptovaluta is een betalingsvorm die online kan worden uitgewisseld. The principle of Cryptovaluta is actually very simple and works on the basis of blockchain technology. First of all, the residents can use an app to check which jobs can be carried out and they can indicate themselves what they would like to do. The necessary material for these chores is made available by the municipality itself. When a job is done, the person in question receives ‘Heitjes’, which can be found in a digital wallet in the app. This allows residents to pay at participating shops. The merchants themselves can keep track of their Heitjes received via a web application and they can have this paid out in euros at the municipality. Some of the participating merchants are, for example, Pat’s Tostibar, Van der Velden van Dam Bookshop and Berns City Wine Cellar. For the time being, use is still limited to local initiatives,e and works on the basis of blockchain technology. First of all, the residents can use an app to check which jobs can be carried out and they can indicate themselves what they would like to do. The necessary material for these chores is made available by the municipality itself. When a job is done, the person in question receives ‘Heitjes’, which can be found in a digital wallet in the app. This allows residents to pay at participating shops. The merchants themselves can keep track of their Heitjes received via a web application and they can have this paid out in euros at the municipality. Some of the participating merchants are, for example, Pat’s Tostibar, Van der Velden van Dam Bookshop and Berns City Wine Cellar. For the time being, use is still limited to local initiatives,
considered. This could therefore have an influence when someone receives a benefit, allowance or the like. The total number of Heintjes earned is reported annually to the tax authorities and the entire project is supported by the ‘Urban Innovative Actions’ fund from the EU. It also receives support from, among others, the neighborhood organization GMS, the Association of Dutch Municipalities and the center organization. . This could therefore have an influence when someone receives a benefit, allowance or the like. The total number of Heintjes earned is reported annually to the tax authorities and the entire project is supported by the ‘Urban Innovative Actions’ fund from the EU. It also receives support from, among others, the neighborhood organization GMS, the Association of Dutch Municipalities and the center organization.
More information can be found on the website >>
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